Historic Places in South Jersey

Historic Places in South Jersey - Places to Go and Things to Do

A discussion of things to do and places to go, with the purpose
of sharing, and encouraging exploration of South Jersey.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Friendship Gallery, Woodbury, NJ

I realized today that you couldn't find the Friendship Gallery with an online google search so I am posting this to get it out there. We began the Friendship Gallery about 2 years ago when the former SODAT tenants of the Underwood Building on the grounds of the Historic Woodbury Friends Meeting 122 N. Broad Street, Woodbury, went out of business. A small group of five cleared out the reception area and painted it and turned it into an Art Gallery. The five of us on the original committee held a group show to begin. Jo Ann Wright, painter, Jerome Barton and Susan Hagan, stained glass artists, Diana Brose, member of Friends and painter, Carleton Crispin, Property Manager at Woodbury Friends added 3D printed sculptures and a wood burned piece.

Currently, Jo Ann Wright has her first solo-retrospective up until January 31st. There are about 30 pieces including paintings, prints, and photographs and multi-media pieces from a variety of art shows. After Jo Ann's show, Diana Brose will put up her solo retrospective show.

The future of the Friendship Gallery remains to be seen as the South Jersey Artists Collaborative may be able to rent the Underwood Building if their grant comes through, under the direction of Loren Dann, painter.

Visits to the gallery are by appointment only. Call 856-430-5769 for the solo retrospective of Jo Ann Wright. Contact for Diana's show will be posted when her show goes up.

It gave me great pleasure to rescue a charming space from abandonment and turn it into a cultural arts space and it was a special delight for me to be able to have my first and only solo retrospective. I plan to do a memoir based on the paintings because seeing them in the show brought back so many memories of the 60 years represented by them. Each painting or print represents a dozen or more that were related by theme or media over that period of interest or that medium. For example there is one lithograph although I was a printmaking major at Rutgers The State University and did a wide range of print forms from woodcut to lithography. There is one colored pencil 'painting' to represent the dozenor more city store front portraits I did during the 80's when I lived in Philadelphia.

So far I have taken my friends to see the exhibition when we have lunch together in Woodbury. It is enough for me to have my friends enjoy my life's work. I have no interest in selling and many of the works on display are one of a kind and I wouldn't want to sell them. For example, I lost ten of the colored pencil city storefront portraits in a house fire in 2015 at my sister's home in Mickleton. Anyone interested in seein the show before it closes can contact me at 856-430-5769. Also I am on the grounds attending Meeting at Woodbury Friends every Sunday from 10:00 to 12:00. You can find me in the Meeting House.

Happy Trails! Happy New Year 2025 wrightj45@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A Good Man - Honoring Jimmy Carter 1924-2024

You know, I never understood why Jimmy Carter lost the eletion for his second term in office until I watched the pbs AMERICAN EXPERIENCE documentary on him, last night, 1/1/25. That was the way I celebrated New Year's night this year. I needed something positive. Jimmy Carter was my ideal of a really good man, honest, decent, caring and hard working. It was nothing short of a miracle that someone with such humble beginings could aspire to and actual achieve the presidency of the United States.

He began by joining the navy and moved up the ranks to become an officer in the submarine corps. He was very successful in the navy and I can tell you, from having read an autobiography of his many years ago, that he LOVED the submarine corps and would have made a career of it had his father not died and left him in charge of the family farm.

A lot of people depended on that farm, families of share croppers and his own family, so he left his chosen career and went back to Plains, Georgia to run the farm which was not prospering at the time. Jimmy Carter put his heart and his experience to the task of turning the farm into a profitable and stable business and then he turned his attention to politics. He became a senator and then governor. Amazingly, Carter won by convincing people he was an honest man and by proving that indeed he was what he said he was.

He was also careful to keep to a middle road in a segregated and intensely bigoted Georgia. He simply sidestepped the issue, but somehow, peope of both races sensed he was a good man, not a hateful one and that he would do the right thing, which he did.

He was a complete unknown, yet he put his shoulder to the task and made a dedicated and ceaseless effort with the unstinting support of his wife, Rosalyn. Often the profound support of women/wives/mothers/assistants is neglected in history, but in this documentary, he work both before and after he achieved office was acknowledged.

I have been making an effort to put a focus on the positive - doing the 5 gratitudes every day, trying to focus on the good things people are doing so I don't drown in the despair of the bad things which tend to catch the headlines, so I was really happy and grateful to spend an hour or two learning more about a really good man.

Jimmy Carter was a practicing Christian by which I mean not that he advertised as such, but that he practiced Christ's princples: PEACE, love, compassion, honesty, decency. And his greatest achievements reflect that, the SALT Treaty, the Camp David ACCords (please look them up if you don't remember) and he devoted his life after the presidency to helping provide housing for the homeless through Habitat for Humanity!

By the say, one neighbor has kindly volunteered to give my dog a really good walk every day, and my neighbor across the street just put out my recycle can and brought it back. I want to honor good men today!

Happy Trails! wrightj45@yahoo.com

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2024 to 2025

Last night, I watched the ABC New Year's show to see the ball drop at Times Square. I am no fan of celebrity news or celebrity anything, really, but what I did enjoy was seeing crowds of happy, smiling and joyful faces! Happy JOYFUL faces!! Afterwards, I relfected how there was so much anger and violence in 2024 that seeing a million people dancing and kissing and waving and laughing was like a balm for the spirit.

My New Year's Resolutions tend to be the same each year but that is fine because it is a new start to an old effort to improve my health - I started the New Year off right with a New Year's walk this morning with a neighbor, from Lambert to Northmont and back - about 2,890 steps. My intent is to add some stretching and elastic band strengthening exercises to my day. Also, after my fruit cake is gone, I am cutting out sweets! I need to work on my diet - more nutrition, less snacks and much less sugar. I have altready succceeded in one effort to cut out sugar - no more caramel latte's for me from Dunkin Donuts.

My next plan was to write up the big news from 2024, but since most of it was vulgar gossip or criminal actions involving sexual harassment, exploitation and cases around these acts, I decided to skip the news and focus on positive events in my personal life in 2024 instead, so here goes.

Art was the big success story for me for 2024 I had work in 7 different group shows: The Station- 4 shows, Camden County College Annual Exhibition, Cherry Hill Arts in Bloom at Croft Farm, Haddon Fortnightly Annual "Through a Woman's Eyes Show. I sold one painting - a winter Pine Barrens landscape, and gave away a Batsto painting and a few smaller 10x12 paintings. I opened a gallery in the reception area of the abandoned Underwood building on the grounds of historic Woodbury Friends Meeting and we have held one group show of 5 participants and now I have a Solo retrospective show up until January 31st. After my show, Diana Brose will have a solo show. After that, we think the building may be rented by someone and we may lose the gallery. If that doesn't happen, we can figure something out.

On the family front, I am grateful that all my siblings are alive and functioning, my daughter is in some period of transition but is successful in her career in film production and seems to be coping well. A few relatively new friendships have been developing and I feel surrounded by friendship. My pets are all well after some dangerous health scares, and my stalwart little ark of a bungalow remains standing and in good shape. I am a lucky woman with wonderful neighbors and a great life!

I did lose a couple more friends this year, one from high school - Romeo Ventura, and one from my teen and married years, Tom Nicholas. The only news item I feel worthy of note is that Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100 - a man I truly admired and feel is a model for what a good man is. May they all be at peace with the spirit in the sky. Also I found out that I lost some distant aunts and uncles this year, my Uncle Joe Lyons and his wife, Rosalie and his sister Susan Lyons Atmore. I think of them from our childhood in South Philadelphia. No one got in touch with my sister or me despite the fact that my address hasn't changed in 40 years, but I put that down to the trauma and shock of losing a loved one and the struggle to get through the aftermath. A cousin, Mark, the son of Joseph Lyons, has been in touch with me via e-mail. I was glad he renewed connection.

All the usual bad news continues, the horror of war in Ukraine and Israel, the continual criminal assault on our communities from madmen - mass shootings, cars driven into parades, and the usual crimes involving madmen killing people in subways. Homelessness continues to increase as does drug addiction. Those are the bad news stories that follow from year to year in this our new millenium.

But at least the whole world is not at war and this morning I read that statistics show a decrease in murder and violent crime in America in general. In my own little patch there is heavenly peace and order and contentment. I hope that is true of you as well!

Happy Trails to You! Jo Ann wrightj45@yahoo.com