Historic Places in South Jersey

Historic Places in South Jersey - Places to Go and Things to Do

A discussion of things to do and places to go, with the purpose
of sharing, and encouraging exploration of South Jersey.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Additiona info to Stone House Lane Blog post

Just got around to reading the Sunday Inquirer which was dropped off in my drive either by accident or as some marketing ploy.  Every once in awhile, a copy is left here although my regular delivery is the Sunday New York Times.  I used to read the Courier.  I don't read the Inquirer because it isn't as interesting or well informed as the Times and the Courier, same thing.

Anyhow a front page story was about the plans to expand the Phlladelphia airport which as the article states, was built on a series of islands that were the river estuary.  This was interesting to me for two reasons, one of which was the 'islands' they referred to were the farms drained from the swamp by the farmers in the 1700's who created what was called by us South Philadelphia neighbors, "the Neck."  Now at least the farmers used canals and allowed some natural river estuary action to continue but paving it over to make the airport does not allow for ebb and flow with storm surge or natural drainage of flood waters.

They also stated that the river and ocean along the shore has risen 12 inches due to climate change in the 2000's, so they are talking about building "up" the airport, whatever that means.

I am simply a well informed citizen.  I read upwards of half a dozen magazines on news, history, archaeology and science, and the aforementioned Sunday New York Times, but I understand how blocking up the river estuaries has caused such horrors as the Mississippi Flood and the terrible floods in New Orleans where the tidal lands were destroyed and the estuaries filled in.  I don't understand how these planners seem to be uninformed by experts in river ecology and environmental science.

Just found my copy of Rick Atkinson's THE BRITISH ARE COMING which I bought after the book review was published but never got around to reading yet.  After visiting Red Bank, I went looking for it because now I am interested again!

Happy Trails!
Jo Ann

ps.  isn't it interesting how history and news intersect!

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