Historic Places in South Jersey

Historic Places in South Jersey - Places to Go and Things to Do

A discussion of things to do and places to go, with the purpose
of sharing, and encouraging exploration of South Jersey.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Time Team Episode 5, Season 20

If you have visited my site before, you will have seen that I have posted aabout my favorite archaeology showBritain's Time Team. A team of archaeologists with narrator are invited by a town or a group to excavate ruins or mythical ruins and answer questions. The trick is, they only have 3 days to do their work. In the episode in the title, called WARRIORS, Time Team were invited to join the military in exploring a site in Wessex owned by the army, which is not far from the famous Stonehenge. It is a burial mound which the archaology investigation team of the army have been excavating for months.

What makes this episode to interesting to me is that the military has a program to rehavilitate severely wounded and or traumatised soldiers through the archaeology dig. The first soldier to come up with the idea was wounded in Iraq and when he came home he was in such despair he was suicidal, BUT, he became interested in the Time Team show and pitched the idea of doing archaological digs with traumatised soldiers to the military and they signed on. Dozens of soldiers worked at the burial mound at Barrow Clump, overlooking Figheldeen an ancient Anglo Saxon village below and in sight of the giant mound.

The wounded soldier who originated the idea of using the projects to rehabilitate soldiers sunk in despair and apathy, said he didn't know why watching Time Team was so helpful to him, but it was. His favorite TT member was Phil Harding, also my favorite, and I would guess everyone's favorite, for his outgoing and humorous nature and his ability to display his emotions. He has a childlike joy, especially when he finds flint, which is his specialty.

In this episode almost 50 Anglo Sacxon skeletons were unearthed, dating from the 500's. Also there were cremations dating from 2000 years ago, the Bronze Age, many artifacts such as metal shield bosses, which are the circular metal centerpieces in a wooden shield, as well as broaches and spear heads. It must have been strange for the soldiers to be unearthing soldiers who died, 1500 years ago, although there were also women and children in this burial which is an anomoly.

I have often wondered myself why this show is so engaging. After all, it ran for 20 seasons and I have to say I have loved all 20 seasons of it. Possibly, part of it is the ensamble of teammates, but also, their infectious enthusiasm, the anticipation of what they might dig up, and the marvel of the narratives they are able to spin from such minute pieces of bone and pottery. Also, it is like a visit with the ancestors and a comfort to think of long expanses of time which puts things into perspective. Well, I close now because I am off to episode 6.

Jo Ann

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