Historic Places in South Jersey

Historic Places in South Jersey - Places to Go and Things to Do

A discussion of things to do and places to go, with the purpose
of sharing, and encouraging exploration of South Jersey.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wow! Guessed in less than 24 hours!

Well, I'm surpised and delighted that mystery house #6 has been guessed in less than 24 hours!  Here is part of the text of the guessing msg.

"While I have known the identity of every one of your mystery photos, I just can’t help but respond to your latest image. This, of course, is the Benjamin Cooper House, located at Point and Erie streets at Coopers Point, North Camden. For many years this house served as a tavern called the “Old Yellow House” and, later, the “Old Stone Jug.” The construction of the house strongly suggests that Benjamin Cooper built it with a tavern in mind for the ferry that operated nearby. The house contains fifteen rooms and once featured a wide veranda along its façade, facing the Delaware River. The application for a tavern license renewal sent to the Gloucester County Court in 1739 stated:

That Benjamin Cooper of sd County Yeoman has made a wharf & Built a house on the side of the River Delaware opposite Philada and Intends to keep a ffery from sd house to Philada and the keeping of a ffery your honours very well know Renders it Necessary the sd Benjm Should keep a public house or house of Entertainment at sd house or the house he now lives in; and sd Benjm is a man of Credit & Estate.

The house served as a headquarters for British General Abercrombie during the American War for Independence as a guard outpost while General Howe’s forces occupied Philadelphia.

During the nineteenth and into the twentieth century, the old house served as an office building for a variety of shipyards that occupied the surrounding land, including the famous John H. Mathis yard.

Although Isaac Mickle states in his work, Reminiscences of Old Gloucester County that William Cooper’s original house washed into the Delaware during a high flood tide, documentary evidence and an actual physical examination of this house and its underpinnings confirm that Benjamin incorporated what remained of William Cooper’s house from the 1680s into this extant structure."

Thank you and congratulations to Jerseyman.  I'm going to have to try harder, dig deeper, go outside the box to find a historic site that will boggle you!  I may have to go for a cemetary or something.  Jerseyman, you make blogging fun! 

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